Level 2 Strength, Balance & Stretching Class

Master strength, power and quickness!


Class is open now! Start at your leisure  

What you'll get:

  • 12 pre-recorded workouts (start at your leisure)
  • 4 weeks/levels of workouts
  • 3 workouts to complete in every week/level
  • Each workout is 30 minutes long
  • Modifications available in all workouts
  • access to all workouts forever!
  • no live Q&A in level 2

This class focuses on:

  • advanced quad strengthening
  • advanced glute & hamstring strength
  • reducing pain in the back, IT band, hip, knee
  • perfecting your walking pattern
  • improving stiffness
  • mastering balance reactions
  • improving power & quickness
  • mastering stairs (up and down)
  • becoming faster on your feet
  • improving coordination and agility

$219.00 USD

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