When Can I Go Back to Work After a Knee Replacement?

Oct 06, 2022

Going back to work after a knee replacement is a very common question that many people have. If you are getting a knee replacement, the likelihood of you wanting to return back to your normal life is very, very high. A knee replacement is a very traumatic surgery that requires a lot of down time. Healing from a knee replacement takes ~ 1 full year. However, you should expect to feel about 50% better by 3 months and 90% better by 6 months. Of course, this varies per person. Some people feel significantly better within 8 weeks, where others struggle to regain some normalcy. 

Type of Job

If you have a sedentary job, where you are able to sit at a desk all day and work on a computer, you might have more success going back to work sooner than someone who needs to be active all day during their job. However, each scenario comes with their own challenges. Let’s discuss both scenarios below.

Desk Job

If you work at a desk, returning to work between 4-8 weeks is doable. You will need to bring an under the desk stool, several ice packs, your exercise routine, and you can even bring a small, portable bike with you to put under your desk. Keeping your knee in a gravity dependent position is very uncomfortable so its important to have a place to elevate your leg hourly. 

Before you begin working, please discuss with your supervisor on starting out with short hours for the first few weeks to make sure you can make it through the day. Pain and discomfort will cause you not to be able to focus for long hours. You will need to get up every hour to walk and do some exercises to keep your knee from getting very stiff, which is very uncomfortable. If you have the option to use different places to sit and work like a recliner or standing desk at work, these are also very helpful. 

Active, Standing Job

If you have a job that requires a lot of walking and getting up/down, you might find getting back to work between 6-8 weeks post surgery a little easier. The more active you are throughout the day, the more pain and swelling you accumulate. Doing too much too soon is also a big contributor to knee stiffness and pain. 

You will also need to speak with your supervisor about starting with short hours for the first week or 2, having a place to sit and ice/elevate your leg throughout the day, and having an opportunity to do your PT exercises and stretches. 

A good way to prepare yourself for your active job is to start a walking program. 

Walking Program

Starting a walking program 2 weeks post surgery can be very helpful if you have plans to return to work. Walking is one of the best ways to improve your endurance, strength and help you return to work with less discomfort.

During the walking program,  the goal is to increase your walking time every week. You will use your assistive device (walker or cane) and slowly increase your walking time to your target. Your target time will be your personal choice, usually between 20-30 mins for most people. 

Example of walking program: 

Week 1: 2 mins
Week 2: 4 mins
Week 3: 6 mins
Week 4: 10 mins
Week 5: 12 mins
Week 6: 15 mins
Week 7: 20 mins
Week 8: 25 mins 
** Complete 2x per day ***

Please complete this walking program under the supervision of a skilled physical therapist. 



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